It can hardly get worse...

In this beginning year, after having heard so many times « it can hardly get worse » (mmm… really ?) I felt like going back to basics, to those simple things we can do - and that we tend to forget - that can significantly improve our lives.
Here is what Fanette – my other mother – said to me when I was eight years old and was grumbling about something I didn’t have:
“Chilina, instead of looking at what you don’t have, look at what you do have.”
I told you it was simple! And yet, I can still remember the exact moment and place where she said this, and the powerful internal shift created by the insight her words triggered. I realized I took for granted everything I had, that I didn’t even see it: what I had was “normal” and thus held no interest whatsoever. So when I took a conscious look at all those things I had, it was as if I saw them for the very first time!
Since that day, I have (almost) always seen the glass half full, rather than seeing it half empty, and say “Thank you” everyday for what I have.
Shall we take a look at the year that has just passed in this perspective? Maybe 2013 wasn’t so bad after all:
What were the best things that happened in 2013, and what did you like about them?
What were the worse things that happened, what did you lean from them and how did they make you progress?
And all along this new year, let’s make a conscious effort to:
Notice all that is positive and joyful in our life
Be grateful for what we have
Look for what is useful or positive in what is negative or painful
Happy New Year !